Evaluation of temporomandibular joint space and condylar morphology in patients with anterior open-bite based on cone-beam CT
通讯作者: 林梓桐,副教授,博士,Email:linzitong_710@163.com,Tel:86-25-83620351
责任编辑: 周春华, 曾曙光
收稿日期: 2021-01-8 修回日期: 2021-02-27 网络出版日期: 2021-07-20
基金资助: |
Corresponding authors: LIN Zitong, Email:linzitong_710@163.com, Tel: 86-25-83620351
Received: 2021-01-8 Revised: 2021-02-27 Online: 2021-07-20
Fund supported: |
作者简介 About authors
目的 应用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)对前牙开牙合患者的颞下颌关节间隙及髁突形态进行测量分析,探讨前牙开牙合患者与正常覆牙合患者的颞下颌关节的差异。方法 选取2014年6月至2020年8月于南京大学医学院附属口腔医院正畸科就诊的前牙开牙合患者54例(前牙开牙合组)和正常覆牙合患者54例(正常覆牙合组),对其拍摄的颌面部CBCT图像使用多平面重建技术重建颞下颌关节矢状位及冠状位图像。使用Kamelchuk法测量颞下颌关节上、后、前间隙,根据髁突骨质情况 将髁突形态分为正常型与异常型2类,对前牙开牙合组和正常覆牙合组进行关节间隙及髁突形态的统计学分析。将前牙开牙合组根据开牙合的程度分为3个亚组:① Ⅰ°开牙合组(开牙合距离<3 mm);② Ⅱ°开牙合组(3 mm ≤ 开牙合距离 ≤ 5 mm);③ Ⅲ°开牙合组(开牙合距离>5 mm),比较3个亚组间关节间隙的差异。结果 前牙开牙合组与正常覆牙合组相比,颞下颌关节前、上间隙差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),颞下颌关节后间隙显著增宽(P<0.01);前牙开牙合组髁突骨质异常占52.8%,正常覆牙合组骨质异常占21.3%,两组间具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。与Ⅰ°和Ⅱ°前牙开牙合患者相比,Ⅲ°前牙开牙合患者髁突在关节窝内更靠前(P<0.05)。结论 前牙开牙合患者的髁突在关节窝内位置更加靠前、髁突骨质异常比例较高。
Objective To investigate the difference of the temporomandibular joint between patients with anterior open-bite and normal overbite with cone beam CT (CBCT).Methods Fifty-four patients with anterior open bites and 54 patients with normal overbites were selected from the Department of Orthodontics, Nanjing Stomatological Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University from June 2014 to August 2020. Sagittal and coronal images of the temporomandibular joint were reconstructed with multiplanar reconstruction techique. The Kamelchuk method was used to measure the superior, posterior and anterior space of the temporomandibular joint, and the condylar morphology was divided into two types: normal and abnormal. The joint space and condylar morphology of the anterior open-bite group and the normal overbite group were statistically analyzed. The anterior open-bite group was divided into 3 subgroups: ① Ⅰ° open-bite (open bite distance < 3 mm), ② Ⅱ° open-bite (open bite distance ≥ 3 mm and ≤ 5 mm) and ③ Ⅲ° open-bite (open bite distance > 5 mm). The difference of overbite spaces of the temporomandibular joint was compared among these three subgroups.Results Compared to the normal group, no significant differences were found for the anterior and superior space of the temporomandibular joint in the anterior open-bite group (P > 0.05), but the posterior space increased significantly (P < 0.01). A total of 52.8% of patients in the anterior open-bite group had abnormal condyles, whereas 21.3% of patients in the normal group, overbite significant differences was found between the two groups (P < 0.01). Compared with patients with Ⅰ° and Ⅱ° openbite, the condyle of patients with III° open bites was more forward in the fossa (P < 0.05).Conclusion The position of the condyle in the fossa of patients with anterior open bites is more forward, and abnormal condylar bone is more common found.
赖展文, 胡子洋, 潘笑, 郝燕清, 林梓桐.
LAI Zhanwen, HU Ziyang, PAN Xiao, HAO Yanqing, LIN Zitong.
1 材料与方法
1.1 研究对象
1.2 研究方法
1.2.1 CBCT扫描 所有患者颌面部CBCT扫描使用NewTom VG(QR srl,Verona,意大利),体素分辨率均为0.25 mm。患者呈坐位,咬合平面与地面平行。扫描参数:管电压110 kV,重建层厚0.25 mm,扫描视野15 cm × 15 cm。
1.2.2 颞下颌关节间隙测量 使用CBCT内置NNT9.0软件(QR srl,Verona,意大利)进行三维重建及图像测量分析。首先选取髁突最大面积轴位图像(axial image,AIm),连接髁突内极及外极得到髁突最大近远中径连线(cortical line,CL),并在其中点作其垂线(sagittal line,SL)(图1a),沿着该垂线进行斜矢状面重建,得到髁突斜矢状位重建图(sagittal image,SIm)。在该重建图像上使用Kamelchuk法测量关节间隙[5]:先作1条水平线L1,使L1线与关节窝上缘相切;过切点作L1的垂线(标记为L2),作髁突前缘、后缘的切线(分别标记L3和L4);通过L2测量关节上间隙(S),作L3的垂线测量关节前间隙(A),作L4的垂线测量关节后间隙(P)(图1b)。前牙开
1.2.3 髁突形态评价 在上述轴位图像上分别顺着CL和SL的方向进行连续多层面重建(重建层厚和层距均为0.25 mm),随后对髁突形态进行评价[6],将单侧髁突形态分为2类,分别为正常型与异常型。正常型:髁突呈圆柱形、椭圆形或双斜形且可见连续不断的、整齐致密而又较薄的密质骨边缘,其下方骨纹理结构均匀;异常型:髁突硬化,髁突前斜面模糊不清,髁突小凹陷缺损,髁突前斜面广泛破坏,髁突囊样变,髁突骨质增生,髁突磨平、变短小,关节结节、关节窝硬化[7]。评价髁突形态时,只要有一副图像上出现骨质异常则评价为异常型。由两名口腔颌面医学影像科医生分别评价髁突形态,当两者评价不一致时,由第三名高年资口腔颌面影像科医师评价得到最终的结果。一个月后,其中一名评价者对前牙开
1.2.4 前牙开
1.3 统计学分析
采用SPSS 23.0软件对数据进行分析,计量资料以均数±标准差表示,采用独立样本t检验;计数资料以频数表示,采用卡方检验。使用组内相关系数评价前后两次颞下颌关节间隙测量的相关性。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 患者基本资料
2.2 髁突在关节窝内的位置
表1 正常覆牙合组与前牙开牙合组髁突在关节窝内的位置
Table 1
Group | Anterior space | Superior space | Posterior space | |
Normal overbite | Left | 2.00 ± 0.75 | 2.75 ± 0.97 | 2.01 ± 0.58 |
Right | 1.95 ± 0.60 | 2.68 ± 0.78 | 2.02 ± 0.56 | |
Bilateral | 1.98 ± 0.68 | 2.72 ± 0.88 | 2.02 ± 0.57 | |
Anterior open-bite | Left | 1.98 ± 0.78 | 2.72 ± 0.79 | 2.49 ± 1.00 |
Right | 2.07 ± 0.85 | 2.59 ± 0.90 | 2.20 ± 0.94 | |
Bilateral | 2.02 ± 0.82 | 2.66 ± 0.85 | 2.35 ± 0.98 | |
t | -0.45 | 0.53 | -3.02 | |
P | 0.66 | 0.60 | < 0.01 |
2.3 髁突形态
表2 正常覆牙合组和前牙开牙合组髁突形态
Table 2
Group | Normal | Abnormal |
Normal overbite | 85(78.7%) | 23(21.3%) |
Anterior open-bite | 51(47.2%) | 57(52.8%) |
χ2 | 22.95 | |
P | < 0.01 |
Figure 2
Oblique sagittal reconstruction images of condyle of typical cases in normal overbite and anterior open-bite group
a-b: sagittal reconstruction image of condyle of a patient with anterior open-bite; a: the right condyle was beakshaped (as arrow showed); b: the left condyle and it showed cystic absorption (as arrow showed), the bilateral condyles were obviously asymmetrical; c-d: sagittal reconstruction image of condyle of the patient with normal over bite; c: the right condyle; d: the left condyle, the cortical bones were smooth and continuous and the bilateral condyles were approximately symmetrical
2.4 关节位于关节窝内的位置
表3 不同程度前牙开牙合患者关节位于关节窝内的位置
Table 3
Degree of anterior open-bite | Anterior joint space | Superior joint space | Posterior joint space | |
Ⅰ° open-bite | 2.16 ± 0.94 | 2.70 ± 0.89 | 2.27 ± 1.11 | |
Ⅱ° open-bite | 1.97 ± 0.56 | 2.69 ± 0.66 | 2.35 ± 0.59 | |
Ⅲ° open-bite | 1.65 ± 0.47 | 2.50 ± 0.87 | 2.58 ± 0.89 | |
Ⅱ° vs. Ⅰ° | t | 0.924 | 0.046 | 0.046 |
P | 0.390 | 0.960 | 0.960 | |
Ⅲ° vs. Ⅰ° | t | 3.198 | 0.846 | -1.116 |
P | < 0.001 | 0.400 | 0.270 | |
Ⅲ° vs. Ⅱ° | t | 2.010 | 0.784 | -0.968 |
P | 0.049 | 0.440 | 0.320 |
3 讨论
对颞下颌关节间隙及形态评价以往常采用颞下颌关节薛氏位片,但其拍摄对操作技师要求较高,部分患者髁突及关节窝由于颞骨的重叠显示清晰度不足,且拍摄过程中存在一定的不稳定性[6]。CBCT近年来被广泛运用于口腔颌面部多种疾病的诊断[12,13,14],对于颞下颌关节而言,CBCT亚毫米级的空间分辨率可清晰显示髁突骨质改变,并对颞下颌关节各间隙进行精确测量[15,16]。CBCT拍摄相对更加简单方便,可重复性高。但是也需要注意,对于CBCT拍摄图像需要建立标准化多平面重建方法,以保证不同患者间颞下颌关节间隙测量及髁突形态评价的一致性[1,17-18]。本研究中所有患者均先选取髁突最大面积轴位图像,在此基础上分别顺着CL和SL的方向进行连续多层面冠状位和矢状位重建,层厚和层距均为0.25 mm;颞下颌关节间隙测量的组内相关系数为0.895,而髁突形态评价的Kappa值则均在0.75以上,表明本研究所采用的方法具有良好的稳定性。
【Author contributions】 Lai ZW collected, processed and analyzed the data and wrote the article. Hu ZY, Pan X and Hao YQ processed and analyzed the data. Lin ZT designed the study and reviewed the article. All authors read and approved the final manuscript as submitted.
Assessment of condyle and glenoid fossa morphology using CBCT in South-East Asians
Three-dimensional condylar positions and forms associated with different anteroposterior skeletal patterns and facial asymmetry in Chinese adolescents
[J].OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association of condylar asymmetry and chin position with different anteroposterior skeletal patterns using three-dimensional models reconstructed from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CBCT scans of 123 Chinese adolescents (aged 11-15 years, 68 girls and 55 boys) with 64 skeletal Class I, 46 Class II and 13 Class III were selected from scans of patients attending the orthodontic clinic. The condyles of the subjects were reconstructed bilaterally and 25 linear, angular and volumetric measurements were performed to evaluate the asymmetry of the condyles and position of the chin. The proportions of condylar asymmetry in the different skeletal groups were calculated by the absolute difference value between the left and right sides to the smaller side value. One-way analysis of variance and Pearson's correlations were used to analyse the data. RESULTS: The values for RV, RCL, LCH, RCH, LCGM, RCGM, LCo-Me and RCo-Me were significantly different among the three skeletal groups (p < 0.05). There were significant positive correlations between Pog-Ss and Co-Sh, Co-Me in the Class I and II groups (p < 0.05). Asymmetries for Co-Ss, Co-Sh, CP and SP between the left and right condyles exceeded a ratio of 20% for more than 30% of the subjects. CONCLUSION: Condylar asymmetry varied significantly among the three skeletal groups, with the vertical position of the condyle (Co-Sh) and height of the mandibular ramus (Co-Me) being significantly and positively related to the chin position.
Logistic regression analysis of the relationship between abnormal dental occlusion and temporomandibular disorders in lower grade college students
上颌Le Fort Ⅰ型分块截骨术及双侧下颌升支矢状劈开术对骨性Ⅲ类错牙合畸形患者髁突位置的影响
Effect of segmental Le Fort I osteotomy and bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy on the condyle position in skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion patients
Part I: development and physiology of the temporomandibular joint
Condylar degradation from decreased occlusal loading following masticatory muscle atrophy
Effect of different masticatory functional demands on the 3D mandibular condyle morphology of growing rats using posterior bite-blocks
Morphology of temporomandibular joint in adult Class II malocclusions with different vertical skeletal features
Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in periodontal diseases: a Systematic review based on the efficacy model
[J].BACKGROUND: Periodontal diseases are prevalent among adult populations. Its diagnosis depends mainly on clinical findings supported by radiographic examinations. In previous decades, cone beam computed tomography has been introduced to the dental field. The aim of this study was to address the diagnostic efficacy of cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging in periodontics based on a systematic search and analysis of the literature using the hierarchical efficacy model. METHODS: A systematic search of electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Cochrane was conducted in February 2019 to identify studies addressing the efficacy of CBCT imaging in Periodontics. The identified studies were subjected to pre-identified inclusion criteria followed by an analysis using a hierarchical model of efficacy (model) designed for an appraisal of the literature on diagnostic imaging modality. Four examiners performed the eligibility and quality assessment of relevant studies and consensus was reached in cases where disagreement occurred. RESULTS: The search resulted in 64 studies. Of these, 34 publications were allocated to the relevant level of efficacy and quality assessments wherever applicable. The overall diagnostic accuracy of the included studies showed a low or moderate risk of bias and applicability concerns in the use of CBCT. In addition, CBCT is accurate in identifying periodontal defects when compared to other modalities. The studies on the level of patient outcomes agreed that CBCT is a reliable tool for the assessment of outcomes after the treatment of periodontal defects. CONCLUSION: CBCT was found to be beneficial and accurate in cases of infra-bony defects and furcation involvements.
Diagnosis of cracked teeth using cone-beam computed tomography: Literature review and clinical experience
Upper airways evaluation in young adults with an anterior open bite: a CBCT retrospective controlled and cross-sectional study
[J].OBJECTIVE: To compare the dimensions of the upper airway in young adults with anterior open bite versus matched individuals with an adequate overbite (control group) using different measurement approaches (linear, area, and volume measures). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample included 137 cone-beam computed tomographies (CBCTs) of young adults (74 men and 63 women) divided into two groups: 47 CBCTs of individuals (mean age 27.89) with open bite (overbite depth indicator (ODI) 56.84 degrees +/-9.48 degrees and Frankfort mandibular plane angle (FMA) 31.21 degrees +/-6.44 degrees ) and 90 CBCTs of individuals (mean age 26.87) without an open bite (ODI 62.24 degrees +/-9.47 degrees , FMA 26.79 degrees +/-5.81 degrees ). Two trained and calibrated orthodontists made all linear, area, and volume measurements on the CBCT records of the upper airways using Planmeca Romexis software. The Mann-Whitney U-test, chi-squared test, and multiple linear regression were applied. Significance was set at P<0.05. RESULTS: There were no differences in linear or volume measurements between groups, but there was a greater area in the open bite group (greater mean difference between groups 928.3 mm(2)) than the control group. No variable influenced nasopharyngeal airway volume, but ANB angle affected oropharyngeal airway volume (beta=-623.87) and total airway volume (beta=-651.48). CONCLUSIONS: Orthodontists should be aware that the airways diagnosis can vary depending on the measurement approach used, the volumetric method being the gold standard. The pharyngeal airway volume was similar in individuals with vs. without an open bite and is mainly influenced by ANB angle in both groups.
Cone-Beam computed tomography study of mandibular condylar morphology
[J].OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the morphology of mandibular condyle using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) on coronal sections in a South-Eastern Anatolian population. METHODS: A total of 1820 joints in 910 subjects with age range of 18 to 86 years were examined retrospectively on CBCT images. The mandibular condylar morphology was examined in right and left sides on coronal sections and classified as convex, round, flat, and angled. In addition, condyle morphology was assessed according to age, gender, edentulism, Angle's classification. RESULTS: The study sample contained CBCT scans of 910 patients (50.3% female, 49.7% male) with a mean age of 42.31 +/- 15.74. Condylar morphologies were analyzed as convex in 40.5%, angled in 34.3%, flat in 15.5%, round in 9.6% of the cases. Condyle shape was found statistically related to group age, gender, edentulism (P <0.05). CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that mandibular condyle shape is associated with age, gender, and edentulism. CBCT may be considered as an appropriate imaging method for detection of condyle alterations of temporomandibular joints and it could provide early diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorder.
Comprehensive 3D analysis of condylar morphology in adults with different skeletal patterns - a cross-sectional study
[J].BACKGROUND: The correlation between individuals' condylar morphology and their skeletal pattern is of great interest for treatment strategies ranging from orthodontic orthopaedics to orthognathic surgery. The objective of the present study was to investigate this relationship three-dimensionally. METHODS: A total of 111 adult patients (mean age = 27.0 +/- 10.2 years) who underwent head computed tomography or cone beam computed tomography scans were included. Based on these data, 3D models of the skull and the condyles were calculated. The craniofacial skeleton was evaluated (1) transversally regarding skeletal symmetry (menton deviation), (2) sagittally regarding skeletal classes (Wits appraisal) and vertically regarding the inclination of the jaws (maxillomandibular plane angle). The condylar morphology was assessed (a) linearly by the condylar width, height and depth; (b) angularly by the antero-posterior and medio-lateral condylar inclination; and (c) volumetrically by the ratio of the condylar volume/mandibular volume (C/Mand). RESULTS: (1) Transversal: Asymmetric patients showed significantly higher discrepancies in the volumetric ratio C/Mand on the deviation and non-deviation side compared to symmetric patients. (2) Sagittal: Class III subjects demonstrated longer, more voluminous condyles with higher antero-posterior and medio-lateral inclination angles compared to Class II participants. (3) Vertical: Hyperdivergent subjects had smaller condyles with higher antero-posterior inclination angles than those of hypodivergent subjects. No interactions of skeletal class and vertical relationships regarding condylar morphology were observed. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a clear correlation between pronounced skeletal patterns and condylar morphology in an adult population. The description of radiographic condyle characteristics in relation to the craniofacial morphology improves orthodontic treatment planning and could be helpful in the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint pathologies.
Temporomandibular joint anatomy assessed by CBCT images
Three-dimensional assessment of condylar position and joint spaces after maxillary first premolar extraction in skeletal Class II malocclusion
[J].OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate the three-dimensional (3D) changes in anteroposterior, vertical and mediolateral positions and orientations of the mandibular condyle as well as joint space parameters following maxillary first premolar extraction and incisor retraction in skeletal Class II patients. SETTING AND SAMPLE POPULATION: Thirty patients were treated by orthodontic maxillary first premolar extraction at the Faculty of Oral and Dental Medicine, Cairo University, Egypt. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) analysis was performed in patients pre- and post-treatment. Sixty joints were evaluated based on the volumetric images, and the following 3D measurements were evaluated: (i) mandibular condylar position relative to the cranial base and the joint itself, (ii) condylar inclination and (iii) anterior, posterior, superior and medial joint spaces. RESULTS: There was a statistically significant (P=.05) posterior positioning of the condyle relative to the vertical plane. The distance increased significantly from 5.77 to 6.82 mm as this plane is anterior to the mandibular condyle. There was an increased anterior joint space (from 3.10 to 3.90 mm) and decreased posterior joint space (from 2.78 to 2.23 mm) following treatment. No changes were observed in mediolateral and vertical condylar positions. CONCLUSIONS: Posterior positioning of the condyle after orthodontic extraction and incisor retraction may occur, but its clinical significance requires further assessment in future studies.
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