Stress distribution of composite resin filling in Class I cavity of molars with different cavosurface angle
通讯作者: 潘爽,主任医师,博士后,Email:panshuang79@163.com,Tel:86-451-85553234
责任编辑: 张琳, 孙书昱
收稿日期: 2020-11-23 网络出版日期: 2021-06-18
Corresponding authors: PAN Shuang, Email:panshuang79@163.com, Tel: 86-451-85553234
Received: 2020-11-23 Online: 2021-06-18
作者简介 About authors
目的 利用三维有限元分析不同洞缘角对磨牙牙合面Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填后应力分布的影响,为Ⅰ类洞形制备提供参考。方法 建立3个洞缘角角度(A组90°、B组120°、C组135°)的下颌第一磨牙牙合面Ⅰ类洞复合树脂充填的三维有限元模型,用热膨胀法模拟复合材料的聚合收缩,分析在聚合收缩和咬合载荷(600 N)的共同作用下,修复模型在应力和位移分布方面的力学行为。结果 窝洞尺寸相同的Ⅰ类洞,3种洞缘角度(其中B组、C组洞缘釉质斜面宽度为1 mm)的窝洞复合树脂修复后,A组修复模型总体及牙釉质的最大应力小于B组和C组修复模型总体及牙釉质的最大应力;3组牙本质和粘接剂的最大应力相近;C组复合树脂的最大应力最大,B组复合树脂的最大应力最小。从应力分布看,各修复模型中,最大应力主要集中在洞缘牙釉质、牙釉质-牙本质界面和修复材料边缘。结论 复合树脂充填磨牙牙合面Ⅰ类洞时,从减少剩余牙体组织应力的角度看,90°的洞缘角即无釉质斜面预备是一种较为理想的窝洞预备方式。
Objective To analyze the effect of different cavosurface angles on the stress distribution of ClassⅠ cavity composite resin filling of molars through the three-dimensional finite element method and to provide references for the preparation of ClassⅠ cavities. Methods Three-dimensional finite element models of ClassⅠ composite resin filling of mandibular first molars with three different cavosurface angles (group A: 90°, group B: 120°, group C: 135°) were established. Polymerization shrinkage of composites was simulated with a thermal expansion approach. The mechanical behavior of the restored models in terms of stress and displacement distributions under the combined effects of polymerization shrinkage and occlusal load (600 N) was analyzed. Results For ClassⅠ cavities with the same cavity size, the total stress of the restoration model and the maximum stress of the enamel in group A were less than those in groups B and C after cavity composite resin restoration with three cavity cavosurface angles (in which the width of the enamel bevel was 1 mm in groups B and C). The maximum stress of the dentin and adhesive was similar in the three groups, the maximum stress of the composite in group C was the largest, and the maximum stress of the composite in group B was the smallest. In terms of stress distribution, the maximum stress in each restoration model was mainly concentrated in the enamel at the cavosurface, near the enamel-dentin interface and at the edge of the restoration material. Conclusion From the point of reducing the stress of residual tooth tissue, the preparation of 90° angle without enamel bevel is an ideal method for cavity preparation when composite resin is used to fill ClassⅠ cavities of molars.
陈红星, 刘思瑶, 黄雨亭, 潘爽.
CHEN Hongxing, LIU Siyao, HUANG Yuting, PAN Shuang.
1 材料和方法
1.1 建模素材选择
选择一位身体健康的成年男性志愿者的右侧下颌第一磨牙(牙齿形态正常,牙体完整,无缺损及磨耗,无牙周疾患及牙槽骨吸收),采用锥形束CT(cone beam computed tomography,CBCT)(KaVo 3D eXam公司,美国)对该牙进行扫描,将获得的扫描数据以DICOM格式存储,得到该牙的三维形态数据。
1.2 建立分析模型
1.2.1 三维数字模型的重建 使用Mimics 20软件(Materialise公司,比利时)读取CBCT数据,进行阈值分析和调整处理及三维模型重建,计算生成右下颌第一磨牙的牙体组织点云模型后导入GeomagicStudio 2014软件(3D Systems公司,美国),使用Geomagic软件对生成的模型进行表面去噪,将其转化为高质量的NURBS曲面模型,并将原NURBS曲面模型转化成CAD模型,最后通过Unigraphics NX 10软件(Siemens公司,德国)中的曲面缝合功能将其实体化,生成健康的右下颌第一磨牙三维实体模型。
从健康的下颌第一磨牙三维实体模型出发,在Unigraphics NX 10软件里通过布尔运算建立三个不同洞缘角(A组90°、B组120°、C组135°)的下颌第一磨牙牙合面Ⅰ类洞修复模型(图1)。该模型由牙槽骨(皮质骨1.5 mm、松质骨)、牙周膜(0.25 mm)、牙髓、牙釉质、牙本质、树脂复合修复体(粘接剂、复合树脂)和食物团块组成。
Figure 1
Three-dimensional solid models of cavosurface angles in the three groups
a: food modeling on the occlusal surfaces, the green part is the food lump; b: the cavosurface angle is 90°; c: the cavosurface angle is 120°; d: the cavosurface angle is 135°
1.2.2 网格划分 将实验模型导入有限元分析软件Abaqus(Version6.14)中,并行网格划分(表1)。
表1 各模型网格类型及节点与元素数量
Table 1
Item | Number of nodes | Number of elements | Element type |
Enamel | 20 377 | 12 733 | C3D10 |
Dentin | 34 740 | 22 037 | C3D10 |
Contical bone | 13 957 | 7 927 | C3D10 |
Spongious bone | 41 843 | 26 283 | C3D10 |
Periodontal ligament | 26 489 | 13 180 | C3D10M |
Food bolus | 22 136 | 13 996 | C3D10 |
Group A resin | 10 447 | 6 407 | C3D10 |
Group B resin | 9 711 | 6 189 | C3D10 |
Group C resin | 20 392 | 12 968 | C3D10 |
1.3 实验条件假设和边界条件设定
表2 材料的力学性能
Table 2
Item | Young’s modulus (MPa) | Poisson’s ratio | Linear shrinkage (%) | Linear thermal expansion coefficient | Thicknesses (mm) |
Enamel | 80 000 | 0.30 | |||
Dentin | 18 000 | 0.23 | |||
Resin composite | 12 000 | 0.25 | 1 | 0.003 3 | |
Adhesive bonding | 4 000 | 0.30 | 1 | 0.003 3 | 0.01 |
Food bolus | 3 410 | 0.10 | |||
Pulp | 2 | 0.48 | |||
Spongious bone | 1 370 | 0.30 | |||
Contical bone | 13 700 | 0.30 | |||
Periodontal ligament | 68.9 | 0.45 |
2 结果
采用Abaqus有限元软件对上述模型从应力和位移分布的角度分析聚合收缩和咬合载荷的联合影响。结果以等效应力云图的形式显现。所进行的分析涉及具有脆性的材料,因此采用的观察指标为Von Mises等效应力,其反映材料内部某一点在不同方向上的综合受力情况,可以作为评判材料的综合应力指标。
2.1 修复模型总体位移及等效应力分布云图
3组模型的最大位移都发生在复合树脂部分,位移量分别为0.050 mm,0.052 mm,0.062 mm。3组修复模型Von Mises等效应力分布相似,洞缘釉质处出现应力集中,范围较小,颈部牙釉质区域则出现第二应力集中部位且范围较大。A组修复模型最大Von Mises等效应力峰值47.09 MPa,较B组(67.74 MPa)、C组(58.58 MPa)小(图2)。
Figure 2
Overall displacement and equivalent stress distribution in the repair models of the three groups
a-c: overall displacement of equivalent stress, with the maximum displacement occurring in the composite resin part; d-f: overall distribution of equivalent stress, with the stress mainly concentrated in the enamel at the cavosurface and cervical enamel; g: maximum stress of the repair model; group A: the cavosurface angle is 90°; group B: the cavosurface angle is 120°; group C: the cavosurface angle is 135°
2.2 修复模型各部分应力等效应力分布云图(包括颊舌剖面)及最大应力区域
粘接剂的等效应力分布云图如图3所示,粘接剂层的最大应力在3组修复模型中均分布在窝洞洞底处,各组最大Von Mises等效应力峰值相近,分别为0.020 1 MPa、0.020 0 MPa、0.019 9 MPa。
Figure 3
Equivalent stress distribution of adhesives in the three groups
a-c: distribution of equivalent stress of adhesives; d-f: distribution of equivalent stress of adhesives in the buccolingual direction, with the maximum stress concentrated at the angle of the axial medullary line at the bottom of the cavity; g: maximum stress of the adhesive repair model; group A: the cavosurface angle is 90°; group B: the cavosurface angle is 120°; group C: the cavosurface angle is 135°
复合树脂的等效应力分布云图见图4,3组模型中复合树脂最大应力分布的部位均为复合树脂与牙面交界处即洞缘处,从表面向下逐渐减小。但A组的应力集中范围比B组和C组小,且B组和C组的应力集中区域几乎遍布于整个洞缘斜面。各组最大应力情况,C组的Von Mises等效应力峰值最大(5.28 MPa),A组次之(3.46 MPa),B组最小(2.16 MPa)。
Figure 4
Equivalent stress distribution of composite resin in the three groups
a-c: distribution of equivalent stress of composite resin, with the maximum stress in each restoration model mainly concentrated at the edge of the restoration material; d-f: distribution of equivalent stress of composite resin in the buccolingual direction; g: maximum stress of composite resin; group A: the cavosurface angle is 90°; group B: the cavosurface angle is 120°; group C: the cavosurface angle is 135°
牙釉质的等效应力分布云图见图5,3组模型中显示出相似的应力趋势,应力集中部位在洞缘釉质处及颈部釉牙本质交界处。A组的最大Von Mises等效应力峰值最小(38.09 MPa),B组最大(67.74 MPa)。
Figure 5
Equivalent stress distribution of enamel in the three groups
a-c: distribution of equivalent stress of enamel, with the maximum stress in each restoration model mainly concentrated in the enamel at the cavosurface and the cervical enamel-dentin interface; d-f: distribution of equivalent stress of enamel in the buccolingual direction; g: maximum stress of enamel; group A: the cavosurface angle is 90°; group B: the cavosurface angle is 120°; group C: the cavosurface an-gle is 135°
牙本质的等效应力分布云图如图6所示,3组模型的应力分布类似,都在洞底髓室顶处和洞侧壁釉质牙本质交界处,并在交界处向下零星扩散。A组牙本质最大Von Mises等效应力峰值为47.09 MPa,B组为46.36 MPa,C组为46.65 MPa,3组最大Von Mises等效应力峰值相近。
Figure 6
Equivalent stress distribution of dentin in the three groups
a-c: distribution of equivalent stress of dentin; d-f: distribution of equivalent stress of dentin in the buccolingual direction, with the maximum stress concentrated at the cavity bottom above the pulp chamber top and the enamel-dentin interface along the lateral wall of the cavity; g: maximum stress of dentin; group A: the cavosurface angle is 90°; group B: the cavosurface angle is 120°; group C: the cavosurface angle is 135°
3 讨论
3组模型中,最大位移值均位于复合树脂处,修复模型中的这种位移分布是由于复合材料(12 000 MPa)相对于牙釉质(80 000 MPa)的低弹性模量所致。3组修复模型的最大位移差异不显著,不同洞缘角并不改变树脂充填体的最大位移,这说明该最大位移是由复合树脂本身的材料特性决定的,与洞缘角无关。3组模型中最大应力都位于牙釉质上,分析原因可能由于牙釉质的弹性模量较高,并且在力的传导和分散中起着重要作用,是承担牙合力的主要组织,所以易形成应力集中区,因此在临床中应强调保留釉质的重要性。
粘接剂层的最大应力在3组修复模型中都分布在窝洞洞底处,提示这些部位可能是最早出现粘接失败的地方。3组最大应力值相近(分别为A组0.020 1 MPa,B组0.020 0 MPa,C组0.019 9 MPa),这是由于粘接剂层的正常厚度为0.01 mm, 它的聚合收缩比复合树脂材料对产生应力的影响要小[10]。本研究中,3组复合树脂最大应力分布的部位都为洞缘复合树脂边缘处,C组应力峰值最大,A组次之,B组最小。为了最大限度减少复合材料在牙齿修复过程中产生的应力,Kowalczyk[23]提出了一种新型的复合材料的分层修复方法,即在窝洞表面覆盖一层细长的复合树脂薄层,这一层被称为“预层”,然后再进行水平分层充填。这种改良的Ⅰ类洞充填技术的有限元分析显示收缩应力降低75%。设置“预层”后,窝洞尺寸变小,“预层”的C因子接近1,得到了较好的结果。但是Rodrigues等[24]的研究表明在矩形Ⅰ类洞的有限元模型中,增加C因素不会增加应力峰值。本实验对3组修复模型的C因素进行计算,得出A组模型的C因素最大,为3.57,B组的C因素为2.52,C组的C因素最小,为2.27,同样发现C因素的增大没有导致模型整体最大应力的增大。显然,在后牙Ⅰ类洞型中,C因素不能作为评价聚合收缩应力的单一指标。最大等效应力是材料承受总体应力的情况,其所产生的应变即为等效应变,可作为判断材料是否出现磨损或破裂的可靠指征。3组模型中复合树脂的应力分布可以看到从窝洞表层向下应力峰值逐渐减小,这或许可以解释临床上修复体表层易出现磨损,少见修复体整体折裂的现象。而未经抛光的修复体表面会因粗糙度过大而产生应力集中点,增大折裂风险[25],提示复合树脂修复后可通过表面彻底的抛光进一步减少折裂风险。
3组模型中牙本质的最大应力都分布在洞底靠近髓室顶附近和洞侧壁釉质牙本质交界处,大小差异不明显且均低于正常牙本质的抗拉强度。研究表明,牙本质的抗拉强度为40~50 MPa,抗压强度为245~343 MPa,所以本实验加载的情况下,3种修复模型均不会发生牙本质的损伤[26]。
【Author contributions】 Chen HX peformed the experiments, analyzed the data, and wrote the article. Liu SY, Huang YT revised the article. Pan S designed the study. All authors read and approved the final manuscript as submitted.
Sealants for preventing and arresting pit-and-fissure occlusal caries in primary and permanent molars: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials--a report of the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
[J].National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2011-2012 data indicated that, in the United States, nearly one-fourth of children and over one-half of adolescents experienced dental caries in their permanent teeth. The purpose of this review was to summarize the available clinical evidence regarding the effect of dental sealants for the prevention and management of pit-and-fissure occlusal carious lesions in primary and permanent molars, compared with a control without sealants, with fluoride varnishes, or with other head-to head comparisons.The authors included parallel and split-mouth randomized controlled trials that included at least 2 years of follow-up, which they identified using MEDLINE (via PubMed), Embase, LILACS, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and registers of ongoing trials. Pairs of reviewers independently conducted the selection of studies, data extraction, risk of bias assessments, and quality of the evidence assessments by using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach.Of 2,869 records screened, the authors determined that 24 articles (representing 23 studies) proved eligible. Moderate-quality evidence suggested that participants who received sealants had a reduced risk of developing carious lesions in occlusal surfaces of permanent molars compared with those who did not receive sealants (odds ratio [OR], 0.15; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.08-0.27) after 7 or more years of follow-up. When the authors compared studies whose investigators had compared sealants with fluoride varnishes, they found that sealants reduced the incidence of carious lesions after 7 or more years of follow-up (OR, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.07-0.51); however, this finding was supported by low-quality evidence. On the basis of the evidence, the authors could not provide a hierarchy of effectiveness among the studies whose investigators had conducted head-to-head comparisons. The investigators of 2 trials provided information about adverse events, but they did not report any adverse events.Available evidence suggests that sealants are effective and safe to prevent or arrest the progression of noncavitated carious lesions compared with a control without sealants or fluoride varnishes. Further research is needed to provide information about the relative merits of the different types of sealant materials.Copyright © 2016 American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and American Dental Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Occlusal caries: biological approach for its diagnosis and management
Effects of sealant, viscosity, and bonding agents on microleakage of fissure sealants: an in vitro study
[J].The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of enamel or dentin bonding agent (DBA) and sealant viscosity on sealant microleakage.Sixty extracted human premolars were randomly divided into two equal groups (based on sealant viscosity) and each group was divided into three subgroups of 10 teeth. Group 1 (low viscosity sealant, Seal-Rite, Pulpdent, USA with 7.7% filler): Prophylaxis, enameloplasty, etching of occlusal surfaces with 38% of phosphoric acid gel, rinsing and drying, followed by (1) enamel bonding agent (EBA) (Margin Bond, Coltène/Whaledent AG) or (2) DBA (Excite, Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Liechtenstein) or (3) no bonding (NB) prior to sealant application. In Group 2, similar procedures were performed except for applying a high viscosity sealant (Seal-Rite, Pulpdent, The USA with 34.4% filler). Specimens were thermocycled and then immersed in a 0.5% basic fuchsine solution for 24 h next, buccolingual slices of samples were scored under a stereomicroscope. The Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-tests were used for data analysis.There was no significant difference between DBA, EBA, and NB subgroups in the microleakage scores in both groups. Low viscosity sealant had a lower microleakage than the high viscosity sealant in both DBA (P = 0.002) and NB (P = 0.041) subgroups.The results indicated that the use of low viscosity sealant reduced the microleakage of pit and fissure sealants. However, the use of a bonding agent before sealant placement didn't affect the microleakage.
Comparison of microleakage in Class Ⅱ cavities restored with silorane-based and methacrylate-based composite resins using different restorative techniques over time
[J].Despite the growing tendency toward tooth-colored restorations in dentistry, polymerization shrinkage and subsequent marginal microleakage remains a problem. The aim of this in vitro study was to compare microleakage between silorane-based and methacrylate-based composite resins at different time intervals and with different restorative techniques.In this in vitro study, 108 sound extracted human molar teeth were used. Mesial and distal proximal class II boxes with dimensions of 1.5 mm depth and 4 mm width were prepared. The gingival margins of all cavities were 1 mm below the cement enamel junction. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups based on test materials. In the first group, the teeth were restored by a nanocomposite (Filtek Z350XT, 3MESPE) and SE Bond adhesive (Kuraray, Japan), in the second group, the teeth were restored with a silorane-based (Filtek P90, 3MESPE) and Filtek P90 Adhesive (3M ESPE, USA) and in the third group, the teeth were restored with a microhybrid posterior composite resin (Filtek P60, 3MESPE) and SE Bond adhesive (Kuraray, Japan). Half of the proximal cavities in each of these three groups were restored in two horizontal layers and the other half in four horizontal layers. After a period of aging (24-h, 3-month and 6-month) in water and then application of 500 thermal cycles, the teeth were immersed for 24-h in 0.5% fuchsin and evaluated under a stereomicroscope at ×36 magnification to evaluate leakage in gingival margin. Data was statistically analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U-tests. P ≤ 0.05 was considered as significant.In Z350XT statistically significant differences were observed in microleakage in comparison of 24-h and 6-month intervals (P = 0.01) that was higher in 6-month. Comparison of microleakage in P90 and P60 composite resins was also statistically significant and was less in P90. Microleakage was not significantly different between P90 and Z350XT at 24-h. However, this difference was significant at 3-month and 6-month intervals. Differences in microleakage of P60 and Z-350XT composite resins were not statistically significant in all intervals (P = 0.38). P90 showed the lowest microleakage during storage in water. Z350XT had microleakage similar to P90 within 24-h, but after 6-month of storage in water, it showed the highest microleakage among all the groups. The number of layers (2 layers vs. 4 layers) did not result in any differences in microleakage scores of the composite resins (P = 0.42).Water storage times did not result in any significant effect on microleakage of P90 and P60.
Effect of light polymerization time, mode, and thermal and mechanical load cycling on microleakage in resin composite restorations
Effect of thermocycling and varying polymerization techniques on the restorative interface of class V cavities restored with different composite resin systems
Mechanical behavior of bulk direct composite versus block composite and lithium disilicate indirect Class Ⅱ restorations by CAD-FEM modeling
[J].To study the influence of resin based and lithium disilicate materials on the stress and strain distributions in adhesive class II mesio-occlusal-distal (MOD) restorations using numerical finite element analysis (FEA). To investigate the materials combinations in the restored teeth during mastication and their ability to relieve stresses.One 3D model of a sound lower molar and three 3D class II MOD cavity models with 95° cavity-margin-angle shapes were modelled. Different material combinations were simulated: model A, with a 10μm thick resin bonding layer and a resin composite bulk filling material; model B, with a 70μm resin cement with an indirect CAD-CAM resin composite inlay; model C, with a 70μm thick resin cement with an indirect lithium disilicate machinable inlay. To simulate polymerization shrinkage effects in the adhesive layers and bulk fill composite, the thermal expansion approach was used. Shell elements were employed for representing the adhesive layers. 3D solid CTETRA elements with four grid points were employed for modelling the food bolus and tooth. Slide-type contact elements were used between the tooth surface and food. A vertical occlusal load of 600 N was applied, and nodal displacements on the bottom cutting surfaces were constrained in all directions. All the materials were assumed to be isotropic and elastic and a static linear analysis was performed.Displacements were different in models A, B and C. Polymerization shrinkage hardly affected model A and mastication only partially affected mechanical behavior. Shrinkage stress peaks were mainly located marginally along the enamel-restoration interface at occlusal and mesio-distal sites. However, at the internal dentinal walls, stress distributions were critical with the highest maximum stresses concentrated in the proximal boxes. In models B and C, shrinkage stress was only produced by the 70μm thick resin layer, but the magnitudes depended on the Young's modulus (E) of the inlay materials. Model B mastication behavior (with E=20GPa) was similar to the sound tooth stress relief pattern. Model B internally showed differences from the sound tooth model but reduced maximum stresses than model A and partially than model C. Model C (with E=70GPa) behaved similarly to model B with well redistributed stresses at the occlusal margins and the lateral sides with higher stress concentrations in the proximal boxes. Models B and C showed a more favorable performance than model A with elastic biomechanics similar to the sound tooth model.Bulk filling resin composite with 1% linear polymerization shrinkage negatively affected the mechanical behavior of class II MOD restored teeth. Class II MOD direct resin composite showed greater potential for damage because of higher internal and marginal stress evolution during resin polymerization shrinkage. With a large class II MOD cavity an indirect composite or a lithium disilicate inlay restoration may provide a mechanical response close to that of a sound tooth.Copyright © 2017 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Evaluation and comparison of stress distribution in restored cervical lesions of mandibular premolars: three-dimensional finite element analysis
Stress relieving behaviour of flowable composite liners: a finite element analysis
[J].The purpose of this study was to investigate the consequences of using flowable composite as a liner beneath class I resin composite restorations on polymerization shrinkage stress and occlusal force. Models of class I resin composite restorations were generated. A control model received no flowable composite liner. Thirteen test models received different flowable composite liners with varying elastic modulus. Finite element analysis was used. The polymerization shrinkage of the resin composite and an occlusal force were simulated in the models. The stress and strain energy density in each model were investigated. The results demonstrated that all flowable composite linings were able to reduce polymerization shrinkage stress and occlusal force in enamel, dentin, the hybrid layer, and the adhesive layer to various degrees in tooth-restoration systems. Therefore, additional techniques may be applied to reduce the remaining stress and to ensure the long-term success of restorations.
Adhesive class I restorations in sound molar teeth incorporating combined resin-composite and glass ionomer materials: CAD-FE modeling and analysis
[J].To investigate the influence of different resin composite and glass ionomer cement material combinations in a "bi-layer" versus a "single-layer" adhesive technique for class I cavity restorations in molars using numerical finite element analysis (FEA).Three virtual restored lower molar models with class I cavities 4mm deep were created from a sound molar CAD model. A combination of an adhesive and flowable composite with bulk fill composite (model A), of a glass ionomer cement with bulk fill composite (model B) and of an adhesive with bulk fill composite (model C), were considered. Starting from CAD models, 3D-finite element (FE) models were created and analyzed. Solid food was modeled on the occlusal surface and slide-type contact elements were used between tooth surface and food. Polymerization shrinkage was simulated for the composite materials. Physiological masticatory loads were applied to these systems combined with shrinkage. Static linear analyses were carried out. The maximum normal stress criterion was adopted as a measure of potential damage.All models exhibited high stresses principally located along the tooth tissues-restoration interfaces. All models showed a similar stress trend along enamel-restoration interface, where stresses up to 22MPa and 19MPa was recorded in the enamel and restoration, respectively. A and C models showed a similar stress trend along the dentin-restoration interface with a lower stress level in model A, where stresses up to 11.5MPa and 7.5MPa were recorded in the dentin and restoration, respectively, whereas stresses of 17MPa and 9MPa were detected for model C. In contrast to A and C models, the model B showed a reduced stress level in dentin, in the lower restoration layer and no stress on the cavity floor.FE analysis supported the positive effect of a "bi-layer" restorative technique in a 4mm deep class I cavities in lower molars versus "single-layer" bulk fill composite technique.Copyright © 2019 The Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effects of cavity-margin-angles and bolus stiffness on the mechanical behavior of indirect resin composite class Ⅱ restorations
Stress distribution of bulk-fill resin composite in class Ⅱ restorations
[J].To study the influence of the resin bonding layer thickness and the bulk filling material stiffness in adhesive class II mesio-occlusal-distal (MOD) restorations using numerical finite element analysis (FEA).Four 3D-FE models of teeth restored with different filling material stiffness and resin bonding layer thickness were built-up and analyzed. The 3D model of a sound lower molar was also analyzed and compared with restored ones. The tooth tissues (enamel, dentin), dental restoration and bolus on the occlusal surface, was divided into 3D solid CTETRA elements with four grid points. The adhesive bonding around the dental restoration was modeled with shell elements. Polymerization shrinkage was simulated with a thermal expansion approach. Mechanical behavior of restored models in terms of stress and displacement distributions, under the combination effects of polymerization shrinkage and occlusal load (600 N), was analyzed. All the materials were assumed to behave as elastic materials throughout the entire deformation.Numerical results show that the mechanical response of the restored models was very different compared to the sound tooth ones, where the stress was uniformly distributed from enamel to dentin with no critical stress concentration. In the restored models, the highest stress values were detected in the enamel, near the enamel-dentin interface and in the bulk restorative material. Tooth preparations A and B showed lower gradient stresses than corresponding C and D. The value of the vertical displacement components in models A and B were higher than corresponding C and D. The maximum displacement values were mainly located around the groove and were higher by an order of magnitude than the sound models. The results showed better mechanical response with models A and B compared to C and D. It is also evident that resin bonding thickness slightly affected the stress level of the restored teeth.Class II MOD direct bulk resin composite restorations showed a high susceptibility to damage at the marginal and internal tissue interfaces depending on their own stiffness. The use of resin-based bulk filling materials is not recommended for large class II MOD adhesive restorations due to mechanical behavior failure risk.
CAD-FE modeling and analysis of class Ⅱ restorations incorporating resin-composite, glass ionomer and glass ceramic materials
[J].To investigate the influence of specific resin-composite, glass ceramic and glass ionomer cement (GIC) material combinations in a "multi-layer" technique to replace enamel and dentin in class II mesio-occlusal-distal (MOD) dental restorations using 3D-Finite Element Analysis (FEA).Four 3D-FE models (A-D) of teeth, adhesively restored with different filling materials, were created and analyzed in comparison with a 3D model (E) of a sound lower molar. Models A, B & C had "multilayer" constructions, consisting of three layers: adhesive, dentin replacement and enamel replacement. Model A: had a low modulus (8GPa) composite replacing dentin and a higher modulus (12GPa) composite replacing enamel. Model B: had a GI cement replacing dentin and a higher modulus (12GPa) composite replacing enamel. Model C: had a low modulus (8GPa) composite replacing dentin and a very high modulus (70GPa) inlay replacing enamel. Model D: had a lithium disilicate inlay replacing both dentin and enamel with a luting cement base-layer. Polymerization shrinkage effects were simulated and a load of 600N was applied. All the materials were assumed to behave elastically throughout the entire deformation.Model A showed the highest stress distribution along all the adhesive interfaces of the shrinking resin-based materials with a critical condition and failure risk marginally and internally. Model D, by contrast, showed a more favorable performance than either of the multilayer groups (A-C). Stress and displacement plots showed an elastic response similar to that obtained for the sound tooth model. Model B and Model C performed according to their bilayer material properties. The use of a non-shrink dentin component simulating a GIC clearly affected the shrinkage stress at the basis of the Model B; while the bulk resin composite having a 12GPa Young's modulus and linear polymerization shrinkage of 1% strongly influenced the biomechanical response in the bucco-lingual direction.Direct resin-based composite materials applied in multilayer techniques to large class II cavities, with or without shrinking dentin layers, produced adverse FEA stress distributions and displacements. An indirect lithium disilicate inlay used to replace lost dentin and enamel in posterior restored teeth generated lower stress levels, within the limits of the elastic FEA model.Crown Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
CAD-FEA modeling and analysis of different full crown monolithic restorations
Numerical fatigue analysis of premolars restored by CAD/CAM ceramic crowns
Estimation of stress distribution and risk of failure for maxillary premolar restored by occlusal veneer with different CAD/CAM materials and preparation designs
Direct resin composite restoration of endodontically-treated permanent molars in adolescents: bite force and patient-specific finite element analysis
Clinical performance of bulk-fill and conventional resin composite restorations in posterior teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis
The influence of stress-strain processes in tooth enamel on the marginal permeability of classⅠrestorations with a different design of the edge of the carious cavity
Influence of cavosurface angle on the stress concentration and gaps formation in class V resin composite restorations
Effect of cavosurface angle beveling on the exposure angle of enamel prisms in different cavity sizes
Loading and composite restoration assessment of various non-carious cervical lesions morphologies--3D finite element analysis
[J].The present study analysed the effects of different occlusal loading on premolars displaying various non-carious cervical lesions morphologies, restored (or not) with composites, by 3D finite element analysis.A three-dimensional digital model of a maxillary premolar was generated using CAD software. Three non-carious cervical lesions morphological types were simulated: wedged-shaped, saucer and mixed. All virtual models underwent three loading types (100 N): vertical, buccal and palatal loading. The simulated non-carious cervical lesions morphologies were analysed with and without restorations to consider specific regions, such as the occlusal and gingival walls as well as the depth of the lesions. Data summarizing the stress distribution were obtained in MPa using Maximum Principal Stress.Palatal loads were responsible for providing the highest values of accumulated tensile stress on the buccal wall; 27.66 MPa and 25.76 MPa for mixed and wedged-shaped morphologies, respectively. The highest tensile values found on non-carious cervical lesions morphologies restored with composite resin were 5.9 MPa in the mixed morphology, similar to those found on sound models despite their morphologies and occlusal loading.The various non-carious cervical lesions morphologies had little effect on stress distribution patterns, whereas the loading type and presence of composite restorations influenced the biomechanical behaviour of the maxillary premolars.© 2015 Australian Dental Association.
Influence of the shape of the layers in photo-cured dental restorations on the shrinkage stress peaks-FEM study
Finite element analysis of bonded model Class I ′restorations′ after shrinkage
[J].The C-Factor has been used widely to rationalize the changes in shrinkage stress occurring at the tooth/resin-composite interfaces. Experimentally, such stresses have been measured in a uniaxial direction between opposed parallel walls. The situation of adjoining cavity walls has been neglected. The aim was to investigate the hypothesis that: within stylized model rectangular cavities of constant volume and wall thickness, the interfacial shrinkage-stress at the adjoining cavity walls increases steadily as the C-Factor increases.Eight 3D-FEM restored Class I 'rectangular cavity' models were created by MSC.PATRAN/MSC.Marc, r2-2005 and subjected to 1% of shrinkage, while maintaining constant both the volume (20 mm(3)) and the wall thickness (2 mm), but varying the C-Factor (1.9-13.5). An adhesive contact between the composite and the teeth was incorporated. Polymerization shrinkage was simulated by analogy with thermal contraction. Principal stresses and strains were calculated. Peak values of maximum principal (MP) and maximum shear (MS) stresses from the different walls were displayed graphically as a function of C-Factor. The stress-peak association with C-Factor was evaluated by the Pearson correlation between the stress peak and the C-Factor.The hypothesis was rejected: there was no clear increase of stress-peaks with C-Factor. The stress-peaks particularly expressed as MP and MS varied only slightly with increasing C-Factor. Lower stress-peaks were present at the pulpal floor in comparison to the stress at the axial walls. In general, MP and MS were similar when the axial wall dimensions were similar. The Pearson coefficient only expressed associations for the maximum principal stress at the ZX wall and the Z axis.Increase of the C-Factor did not lead to increase of the calculated stress-peaks in model rectangular Class I cavity walls.Copyright © 2011 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3D finite element analysis on esthetic indirect dental restorations under thermal and mechanical loading
[J].Thermo-mechanical finite element analyses in 3-D models are described for determination of the stress levels due to thermal and mechanical loads in a healthy and restored tooth. Transient thermo-mechanical analysis simulating the ingestion of cold and hot drinks was performed to determine the temperature distribution in the models of the teeth, followed by linear elastic stress analyses. The thermal loads were applied on the occlusal and lingual surfaces. Subsequently, coupled variation of the temperature and mastication loading was considered. The vertical loading was distributed at occlusal points, adding up to 180 N. Maximum stresses were verified in resin restoration under thermal loads. When studying coupled effect of mechanical loading with that arising from thermal effects, higher tensile stress values occurred in porcelain restorations, especially at the restoration-dentin interface. Regions of high tensile stress were detected and their possible clinical significance with respect to restoration damage and microleakage were discussed.
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