石河子大学医学院第一附属医院口腔科,新疆维吾尔自治区 石河子(832000)
Expression and relevant bioinformatics analysis of miR-135b-5p in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Department of Stomatology, the First Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China
通讯作者: 黎昌学,主任医师,硕士,Email:lichangxue100@163.com, Tel: 86-993-2810069
责任编辑: 周春华
收稿日期: 2021-02-28 修回日期: 2021-04-10
基金资助: |
Corresponding authors: LI Changxue, Email:lichangxue100@163.com, Tel: 86-993-2810069
Received: 2021-02-28 Revised: 2021-04-10
Fund supported: |
作者简介 About authors
目的 探索miR-135b-5p在口腔鳞状细胞癌(oral squamous cell carcinoma,OSCC)及癌旁组织中的表达及其临床意义,预测miR-135b-5p靶基因并进行相关生物信息学分析。方法 通过肿瘤与癌症基因图谱(the Cancer Genome Atlas,TCGA)、基因表达数据库(Gene Expression Omnibus,GEO)数据库分析miR-135b-5p在OSCC组织和癌旁组织中的表达并分析其临床意义;临床收集新鲜组织标本,采用实时荧光定量PCR验证不同组织中miR-135b-5p的表达情况。采用生物信息学方法预测miR-135b-5p的靶基因并进行通路富集分析。构建蛋白互作网络筛选关键靶基因。结果 OSCC组织中miR-135b-5p表达量较癌旁组织上调,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001);miR-135b-5p表达量对OSCC组织具有良好的诊断效能(AUC=0.960,P < 0.001);OSCC组织中miR-135b-5p表达水平与组织病理分级相关(P=0.011);生信分析结果显示,miR-135b-5p的靶基因富集在与肿瘤相关的钙离子、cGMP-PKG、cAMP信号通路中;筛选得到10个关键靶基因:DLG2、ANK3、ERBB4、SCN2B、NBEA、GABRB2、ATP2B2、SNTA1、CACNA1D、SPTBN4。结论 miR-135b-5p可作为一种促癌基因参与OSCC的发生发展,并具有成为OSCC诊断标志物及治疗靶点的潜在应用价值。
Objective To observe the clinical significance of miR-135b-5p in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) tissues and to conduct a bioinformatics analysis of its predicted target genes. Methods The expression levels of miR-135b-5p in OSCC tissues and adjacent normal tissues were compared using data from TCGA and GEO databases, and the correlations of miR-135b-5p expression level with clinicopathologic characteristics were analyzed. Fresh tissues were collected in the clinic, and the expression of miR-135b-5p was verified by quantitative real-time PCR. The target genes with enriched pathways were analyzed by using bioinformatics methods. A protein-protein interaction network was constructed to screen hub genes. Results The expression levels of miR-135b-5p were significantly upregulated in OSCC tissues compared to adjacent normal tissues (P < 0.001) and had a good diagnostic capability (AUC=0.960, P < 0.001). The expression level of miR-135b-5p was positively correlated with histopathological grading (P=0.011). Enrichment analyses revealed that the target genes of miR-135b-5p were significantly associated with tumor-related signaling pathways, such as the calcium signaling pathway, the cGMP-PKG signaling pathway and the cAMP signaling pathway. Ten core target genes were obtained by screening: DLG2, ANK3, ERBB4, SCN2B, NBEA, GABRB2, ATP2B2, SNTA1, CACNA1D, and SPTBN4. Conclusion miR-135b-5p may act as an oncogene miRNA in OSCC and has the potential value of acting as a diagnostic biomarker and therapeutic target for OSCC.
赵格, 黎昌学, 郭超, 朱慧.
ZHAO Ge, LI Changxue, GUO Chao, ZHU Hui.
口腔癌为全球第九大恶性肿瘤,约90%以上的口腔癌是口腔鳞状细胞癌(oral squamous cell carcinoma,OSCC),虽然近年来治疗OSCC的手术和放化疗技术有了一定进步,但5年生存率仍仅为50%左右[1]。随着分子生物学的发展,越来越多的研究显示微小RNA(microRNA,miRNA)在肿瘤细胞的生长、分化、增殖和凋亡等过程中发挥了重要的作用[2]。miR-135b-5p在胰腺癌[3]、胃癌[4]、结直肠癌[5]等恶性肿瘤中异常高表达,但miR-135b-5p在OSCC中的表达情况尚不明确。本研究通过对公开发表的转录组测序数据、基因芯片数据进行分析,辅以新鲜组织样本实验验证,探讨miR-135b-5p在OSCC患者中的表达水平及其与临床特征的关系。同时采用生物信息学方法预测miR-135b-5p的靶基因并进行通路富集分析。
1 资料和方法
1.1 研究资料
肿瘤与癌症基因组图谱(the Cancer Genome Atlas,TCGA)中下载与OSCC相关的miR-135b-5p表达数据(247例癌组织,17例癌旁组织)及其完整的临床资料(222例);与OSCC相关的mRNA表达信息(240例癌组织,17例癌旁组织)。基因表达数据库(Gene Expression Omnibus,GEO)下载OSCC相关基因表达谱数据GSE45238(40例癌与癌旁配对组织)。收集石河子大学医学院第一附属医院2017年1月至2020年6月手术切除的30例口腔鳞癌组织和癌旁组织(距癌组织边缘 ≥ 2 cm)。所有OSCC患者手术前均未接受放疗或化疗。所有手术取材标本离体后立即放置在液氮中,后储存在-80 ℃冰箱中。本研究由石河子大学医学院第一附属医院伦理委员会批准(文件编号:AF/SC-08/01.0),本研究收集的标本已取得患者的书面知情同意。
1.2 研究方法
1.2.1 公共数据库中miR-135b-5p表达分析 TCGA、GEO官网下载OSCC组织及癌旁组织中miR-135b-5p原始表达数据,标准化处理后行差异分析。将miR-135b-5p表达信息与临床信息合并,用于后续临床相关性分析。使用R语言edgeR包筛选出TCGA下载的mRNA表达谱中的差异表达的mRNA。
1.2.2 新鲜组织中miR-135b-5p表达分析 依据Biospin miRNA Extraction Kit试剂盒说明完成组织中miRNA提取,测量OD260/280值在1.8~2.0之间。使用miRNA ALL-IN-One cDNA Synthesis Kit将总miRNA反转录成cDNA。以U6为内参(表1),使用EvaGreen miRNA qPCR Master Mix-Low ROX试剂盒进行实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(quantitative Real-Time PCR,qRT-PCR)。扩增反应条件如下:预变性95 ℃ 10 min,1个循环;变性95 ℃ 10 s,退火58 ℃ 30 s,延伸72 ℃ 30 s,40个循环。所有反应均设置3个复孔以减少加样等造成的误差影响实验结果。扩增反应结束后分析溶解曲线,判断扩增产物是否存在非特异性扩增。分析扩增曲线,采用2-△△Ct计算miR-135b-5p在OSCC组织中的相对表达量。
表1 miR-135b-5p的实时荧光定量PCR扩增引物序列
Table 1
Gene | Primer | Primer Sequence |
miR-135b-5p | Reverse | TGGTGTCGTGGAGTCG |
1.2.3 miR-135b-5p靶基因预测及功能富集分析 从miRTarBase、targetScan和miRDB三个数据库预测miR-135b-5p的靶基因,选取至少2个数据库中预测到的靶基因与TCGA数据库下载分析的差异mRNA取交集。通过R语言对这些交叉基因进行京都基因与基因组百科全书(kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes,KEGG)通路富集分析。
1.2.4 miR-135b-5p关键靶基因筛选 通过STRING数据库绘制蛋白互作网络(protein-protein interaction network,PPI)用于揭示靶基因之间的关系,置信度参数为0.400。使用Cytoscape3.6.1及其插件cytoHubba筛选出前10个关键靶基因。
1.3 统计学方法
使用R语言3.6.3及其附属包进行统计分析并绘图。两组间差异采用Wilcoxon检验。卡方检验分析miR-135b-5p表达情况与OSCC患者临床病理特征关系。通过受试者工作特征曲线(receiver operator characteristic curve,ROC)分析评价miR-135b-5p表达对于OSCC患者诊断的准确性。P < 0.05为差异具有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 miR-135b-5p在OSCC组织及癌旁组织中的表达差异
TCGA、GEO官网下载OSCC组织原始表达数据,以及本研究中新鲜组织中miR-135b-5p的qRT-PCR结果的分析显示,OSCC组织中miR-135b-5p表达量高于癌旁组织,差异具有统计学意义(P < 0.001)。见图1。
Figure 1
miR-135b-5p is frequently increased in oral squamous cell carcinoma cancer tissues
Data were obtained from (a) TCGA database, (b) GEO database and (c) qRT-PCR result of fresh tissues. miR-135b-5p was highly expressed in oral squamous cell carcinoma compared with paracancerous normal tissues
2.2 miR-135b-5p表达水平与临床病理关系
表2 miR-135b-5p表达与临床病理相关性
Clinicopathological factor | miR-135b-5p expression | Case | χ2 | P | |
High | Low | ||||
Age/year | |||||
≤ 60 | 55 | 56 | 111 | 0.018 | 0.893 |
> 60 | 56 | 55 | 111 | ||
Gender | |||||
Male | 74 | 73 | 147 | 0.020 | 0.887 |
Female | 37 | 38 | 75 | ||
Clinical stages | |||||
Ⅰ+Ⅱ | 28 | 25 | 53 | 0.223 | 0.637 |
Ⅲ+Ⅳ | 83 | 86 | 169 | ||
Histopathological grading | |||||
G1+G2 | 82 | 97 | 179 | 6.490 | 0.011 |
G3 | 29 | 14 | 43 | ||
Lymph node status | |||||
N0 | 51 | 49 | 100 | 0.073 | 0.787 |
N1+N2+N3 | 60 | 62 | 122 |
Figure 2
Receiver operating characteristic curve of miR-135b-5p in the diagnosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma
The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.960. When the cut-off value was 0.89, the sensitivity was 100%, and the specificity was 83.33%. Thus, this marker has high diagnostic efficacy for oral squamous cell carcinoma, AUC: area under curve
2.3 miR-135b-5p靶基因预测及功能分析
Figure 3
Venn diagram of predicted target genes of miR-135b-5p
The target genes of miR-135b-5p were predicted by the miRDB, miRTAR Base and Target Scan databases, and 503 target genes were obtained by intersecting each pair of databases
表3 miR-135b-5p靶基因KEGG信号通路显著性富集分析结果
Table 3
ID | Description | P | Target gene ID |
hsa05032 | Morphine addiction | < 0.001 | PDE1C/GNG7/PDE3B/GABRB2/PDE7B |
hsa04020 | Calcium signaling pathway | < 0.001 | ATP2B3/PDE1C/ERBB4/CACNA1D/ATP2B2 |
hsa04726 | Serotonergic synapse | < 0.001 | GNG7/SLC6A4/GABRB2/CACNA1D |
hsa04723 | Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling | < 0.001 | GNG7/RIMS1/GABRB2/CACNA1D |
hsa04924 | Renin secretion | 0.001 | PDE1C/PDE3B/CACNA1D |
hsa04022 | cGMP-PKG signaling pathway | 0.001 | ATP2B3/PDE3B/CACNA1D/ATP2B2 |
hsa04727 | GABAergic synapse | 0.002 | GNG7/GABRB2/CACNA1D |
hsa04925 | Aldosterone synthesis and secretion | 0.003 | ATP2B3/CACNA1D/ATP2B2 |
hsa04024 | cAMP signaling pathway | 0.004 | ATP2B3/PDE3B/CACNA1D/ATP2B2 |
hsa04724 | Glutamatergic synapse | 0.005 | GRIK3/GNG7/CACNA1D |
KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; PDE1C: phosphodiesterase 1C; GNG7: guaninenucleotide-binding protein γ7; PDE3B: phosphodiesterase 3B; GABRB2: γ-aminobutyric acid neurotransmitter receptor β2 subunit gene; PDE7B: phosphodiesterase 7B; ATP2B3: plasma membrane calcium ATPase 3; ERBB4: erb-B2receptor tyrosine kinase 4; CACNA1D: calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D; ATP2B2: plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2; SLC6A4: solute carrier family 6 member 4; RIMS1: rab-interacting molecules 1
2.4 miR-135b-5p关键靶基因筛选
上述得到的60个预测靶基因中,共有35个被过滤到靶基因PPI网络中,筛选得到10个关键靶基因(图4),分别为大同源物2(discs-large homolog 2,DLG2)、锚蛋白重复序列3(ankyrin repeat 3,ANK3)、Erb-B2受体酪氨酸激酶4 (Erb-B2receptor tyrosine kinase 4,ERBB4)、电压门控性钠通道二型beta亚单位(sodium channel voltage-gated type II beta,SCN2B)、蛋白激酶锚定蛋白(neurobeachin,NBEA)、γ-氨基丁酸β2亚基(γ-aminobutyric acid neurotransmitter receptor β2 subunit gene,GABRB2)、质膜钙ATP酶异构体2(plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2,ATP2B2)、α-互养蛋白(α-syntrophin,SNTA1)、钙电压门控通道亚单位α1D(calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D,CACNA1D)、血影蛋白β非红细胞4(spectrin beta non-erythrocytic 4,SPTBN4)。
Figure 4
Hub genes of protein-protein interaction network
Ten hub genes were screened by Cytoscape software: the darker the color, the more important the function in the interaction. DLG2: discs-large homolog 2; ANK3: ankyrin repeat 3; ERBB4: erb-B2receptor tyrosine kinase 4; SCN2B: sodium channel voltage-gated type II beta; NBEA: neurobeachin; GABRB2: γ-aminobutyric acid neurotransmitter receptor β2 subunit gene; ATP2B2: plasma membrane calcium ATPase 2; SNTA1: α-syntrophin; CACNA1D: calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 D; SPTBN4: spectrin beta non-erythrocytic 4; UTRN: background Utrophin; DTNA: dystrobrevin-α; RIMS1: rab-interacting molecules 1; SLC6A4: solute carrier family 6 member 4; ATP2B3: plasma membrane calcium ATPase 3; GNG7: guaninenucleotide-binding protein γ-7; KCNB1: voltage-gated potassium channel sub-family B member 1; GRIK3: glutamate ionotropic receptor Kainate type subunit 3; PGR: epithelial progesterone receptor; SHISA6: shisa family member 6; PRLR: prolact inreceptor; DCLK1: doublecortin-like kinase1; CTTNBP2: cortactin binding protein 2
3 讨论
【Author contributions】 Zhao G collected, processed and analyzed the data and wrote the article. Li CX designed the study. Guo C revised the article. Zhu H directed the tissue samples collection. All authors read and approved the final manuscript as submitted.
The prognostic value of immune checkpoints in oral squamous cell carcinoma
[J].Despite the importance of immune checkpoints in immunotherapy, the prognostic value of these molecules remains controversial in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). We performed a systematic review to investigate the prognostic significance of the immune checkpoints in OSCC.A systematic search was conducted in Ovid Medline, Scopus and Cochrane libraries, and all studies that evaluated the prognostic significance of immune checkpoints in OSCC were systematically retrieved.Twelve immune checkpoints/modulators were studied for their prognostic values in OSCC patients between 1985 and 2017. Seven immune checkpoints (FKBP51, B7-H4, B7-H6, ALHD1, PD-L1, B7-H3 and IDO1) were reported to be associated with poor patients' survival in at least one study, and five (CTLA-4, TLT-2, VISTA, PD-L2 and PD-1) did not have a significant prognostic value. PD-L1 results were controversial as it was reported to be associated with both better and worse patients' survival.Even though immune checkpoint markers had high expectation for OSCC prognostication, our systematic review revealed that the majority of them had been studied only once. The other molecules, which had been studied more than once, had controversial findings, except B7-H3.© 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. All rights reserved.
Identification of potential genetic markers in prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients by bioinformatic analysis
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miR-135b-5p regulates the expression of TIMP3 and affects the migration and invasion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells
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Immunity, inflammation, and cancer
[J].Inflammatory responses play decisive roles at different stages of tumor development, including initiation, promotion, malignant conversion, invasion, and metastasis. Inflammation also affects immune surveillance and responses to therapy. Immune cells that infiltrate tumors engage in an extensive and dynamic crosstalk with cancer cells, and some of the molecular events that mediate this dialog have been revealed. This review outlines the principal mechanisms that govern the effects of inflammation and immunity on tumor development and discusses attractive new targets for cancer therapy and prevention.2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Regulation of Ca(2+) signaling for drug-resistant breast cancer therapy with mesoporous silica nanocapsule encapsulated doxorubicin/siRNA cocktail
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