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Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 positively modulates orthodontic tooth movement speed and alveolar bone mass
ZHANG Cheng,TAO Guiyu,HUANG Li,LV Chunxiao,LI Tiancheng,YIN Xing,ZOU Shujuan()

图3. 2组MC3T3-e1成骨分化及RAW264.7破骨分化情况

Figure 3. The osteoblastic differentiation of MC3T3-e1 cells and the osteoclastic differentiation of RAW264.7 cells in the two groups
a: ALP staining of MC3T3-e1 cells in the control group (× 40); b: ALP staining of MC3T3-e1 cells in the test group (× 40); c: TRAP staining of RAW264.7 cells in the control group (× 40); d: TRAP staining of RAW264.7 cells in the test group (× 40); ALP: alkaline phosphatase; TRAP: tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase